Below are examples of properly created time frames.

Hours Per Day with multiple events - This works best if you have multiple events with specific times of the date.

Example: 3-day meetings - This is an example of when you have a meeting for that specific time and dates.

This rule will apply from June 27, 2017, to June 30, 2017, at 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

Multiple whole day events - This works best when you set up a time frame for a holiday or a 3 day weekend.

Example: 3 day weekends.

this rule will apply from 12:00 am on July 2, 2017, to 11:59 pm of July 4th.

If however, you wanted to set up this time frame to 8:00 am on July 5th. you need to add an extra date and ranges settings.